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Jeffrey Dong

Young Lev Vlassenko Piano Competition - First Round Finalist

Jeffrey, a talented young musician from Sydney. He started playing piano at six and started playing violin at nine.

He obtained First Prize in the 4th Hans-von-Bülow-Wettbewerb International Piano Competition in Germany in 2023, celebrated alongside the release of his first album.


In February 2024, distinguished as the competition's youngest participant, Jeffrey achieved the third prize (no second prize awarded) at the esteemed 15th International Vladimir Krainev Competition (13-17y) in Switzerland, alongside the Special Prizes of the Best Ukraine Composers Piece Award and the Audience Prize. His captivating rendition of Bach concerto no. 1 in Zurich earned positive comments from both conductor and audience, solidifying his reputation as a musician.


Jeffrey represented the next generation at the Sydney International Piano Competition showcase in July 2023, earning acclaim from the judging panel for his exceptional performance.


Jeffrey holds many successes based in Sydney, such as being recognized as a finalist in prestigious events such as the Kawai Junior Scholarship 2022 and the 2022 Fine Music Young Virtuoso Award State Final. Additionally, he consistently triumphs in Sydney's annual Eisteddfod, showcasing his musical talents.


As a scholar in the Rising Star program at the Sydney Conservatorium, Jeffrey is pursuing a musical dream under the guidance from his beloved teacher Paul Rickard-Ford .

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